Nhau dzekambani
Shamwar inotumidzira kunze kweanopfuura anopfuura zana nemakumi matatu muzana mune yekutanga kota! Inorema rori inotumira kunze kwenyika yakawedzera ne150%
Shaanxi Automobile Holding Group Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as SHACMAN) in the first quarter of this year (2024), SHACMAN production and sales of more than 34,000 vehicles, an increase of 23% year-on-year, in the industry's leading position. Muchikamu chekutanga, Shacman Export mome ...Verenga zvimwe - Tenzi Wang mutyairi wemarori ane makore gumi ekutyaira ruzivo, kazhinji anotyaira michero uye zvimwe zvinhu kumashure uye anosvika muShangang, XInjiang naZhejiang naZhejiang naZhejiang naZhejiang naZhejiang naZhejiang naZhejiang naZhejiang naZhejiang naZhejiang naZhejiang naZhejiang naZhejiang. Mota yake ndeye shacman m6000 rori yakashongedzwa neWeichai WP7h Injini. Master Wang anofamba nemamiriro akaoma emigwagwa akadai sebani, zvikomo ...Verenga zvimwe
Gabon Big Boss ane akanaka murume, anoshamisa Shacman fekitori rwendo
Unexpectedly, eight years later, Jack, a handsome young man from Gabon who had studied in China, came back again! Mauya! He returned with boundless nostalgia and connection to his son's homeland. He has brought new opportunities for development and cooperation to this once infinitely cher...Verenga zvimwe -
Kyrgyzstani vatengi vanoshanyira Shaanxi jixin indasitiri
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Ruoko pakati pekumabvazuva uye kumadokero runoputsa mweya weiyo silika mugwagwa
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Canton Fair
Kubva muna Gumiguru kusvika muna Gumiguru 19, 2023, The 134th China China China uye Export Fair The Canton Fair is a comprehensive international trade event with the longest history, the largest scale, the most complete commodities, t...Verenga zvimwe -
Era rori yakatengesa inodarika zviuru gumi marori mumisika yekunze
In the first half of 2023, Shaanxi Auto may sell 83,000 vehicles per share, an increase of 41.4%. Pakati pavo, motokari dzekuparadzira dzerima dziri muna Gumiguru muhafu yechipiri yegore, kutengesa kwakawedzera ne 98.1%, rekodhi yakakwirira. Since 2023, Era Truck Shaanxi Overseas Export Company has actively ...Verenga zvimwe