
Indasitiri News

  • Shaanxi Auto: Dzidzira iyo "ina ina" zvinhu zvitsva zvekutungamira breakther

    Shaanxi Auto: Dzidzira iyo "ina ina" zvinhu zvitsva zvekutungamira breakther

    Practice “four new”, “new” the word is to want. In the past year, Shaanxi Automobile has made frequent actions in the research and application of new materials, and has become a new engine to achieve new breakthroughs on the “four new” road. Metamaterials yakavhurika ...
    Verenga zvimwe
  • X6000 mota yemotokari yakasarudzwa mu "Chinese Chipo Shaanxi Chipo" gore Rakakurudzirwa Chigadzirwa Chinyorwa

    X6000 mota yemotokari yakasarudzwa mu "Chinese Chipo Shaanxi Chipo" gore Rakakurudzirwa Chigadzirwa Chinyorwa

    The first “China Ceremony Shaanxi Ceremony” release ceremony and award ceremony was held in Xi'an. Shaanxi Auto Delong X6000 model was rated as “China gift Shaanxi gift” annual recommended product. "China chipo chakanaka" inyika yetsika uye yekugadzira ip, ...
    Verenga zvimwe
  • Is Shacman Export yakasimba chaizvo izvozvi?

    Is Shacman Export yakasimba chaizvo izvozvi?

    Kubva pamaonero ekutengesa mugore nehafu yegore rino, Shacman akaunganidza kutengesa kweanosvika zviuru makumi manomwe nezvinomwe muindasitiri, nemusika mugove wemusika wa 16.5%. Momentum inogona kutaurwa kuti iri pane yekukwira. Shacman akatengesa zviuru makumi maviri nezvishanu mumusika wepasi rose kubva kuna Ndira kusvika munaKurume, Anot ...
    Verenga zvimwe
  • "Bhandi rimwe chete, mugwagwa mumwe": Mugwagwa weMusangano, Mugwagwa weBudiriro

    "Bhandi rimwe chete, mugwagwa mumwe": Mugwagwa weMusangano, Mugwagwa weBudiriro

    Verenga zvimwe
  • Pane akawanda ekutenga mapuratifomu, Xinjiang uye yemukati Mongolia anoonekwa ari nzvimbo dziri kure idzo dzinotora nguva. However, for SHACMAN heavy trucks in Urumqi, their delivery to the buyer is so convenient: send in the morning, you can receive in the afternoon. A truck of 350,000 yuan to 500,000 yuan...
    Verenga zvimwe
  • Shaanxi auto inorema rori yakasungira chinangwa. In 2024, Shaanxi Auto heavy truck will carry out the work from three aspects: First, to seize the opportunity with the spirit of “the start is the decisive battle, the start is the sprint”, to win the first battle of the year to have ...
    Verenga zvimwe
  • Tsika Service - "Shaanxi autoobile Export" Nyowani Nyowani

    Tsika Service - "Shaanxi autoobile Export" Nyowani Nyowani

    Verenga zvimwe
  • Silk Road Kurota Kushanda Kugadzira Kugadzira Brilliant

    Silk Road Kurota Kushanda Kugadzira Kugadzira Brilliant

    One country a car custom service Shaanxi truck to build a new pattern of “going to sea” On December 14, 2023.The “Silk Road Dream, Cooperation and Brilliant” — 2024 national network media theme interview activity entered Shaanxi Automobile Group. Kupinda Mukuru ...
    Verenga zvimwe
  • Heavy truck exports are mainly concentrated in Southeast Asia and African countries. The high proportion of exports to Eastern Europe in 2022 is mainly due to Russia's contribution. Pasi pemamiriro ekunze epasi rose, kuwanikwa kwemarori eEurope kuRussia kunogumira, uye kuRussia dem ...
    Verenga zvimwe
  • Relying on its important position in logistics and transportation and its own efficiency advantages, China's heavy truck industry is ushering in an upward turning point. The prosperity continues to rise, driving the sales of heavy trucks to rise steadily, and the recovery trend continues. ...
    Verenga zvimwe
  • Verenga zvimwe
  • With the end of the global epidemic blockade, the new retail industry has developed rapidly, at the same time, the overload of traffic regulation has been strengthened, the penetration rate of new standard products has increased, and the global logistics transport trucks have resumed growth. The ...
    Verenga zvimwe